Jo Ind – Jo Ind Writer, digital media producer, learning designer Wed, 26 Apr 2023 10:00:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jo Ind – Jo Ind 32 32 On being let loose in the Oxfam Bookshop Tue, 06 Oct 2015 13:42:23 +0000 I have had the great pleasure of being let loose in the Oxfam Bookshop in Kings  Heath, Birmingham. The store came up with a great idea – The Curated Shelf – to bring  writers and readers closer together.  During September, it invited five local authors and members of the OxfamReads! series to curate shelves from the  donated offerings.

The writers were:

  • David Hart, 1997/8 Birmingham Poet Laureate
  • Catherine O’Flynn, winner 2008 First Novel Award at the Costa Book Awards
  • Katherine D’Souza, author of the Birmingham-set novels “Deeds Not Words” and “Park Life”
  • Gaynor Arnold, whose work “Girl in a Blue Dress” was long-listed for the 2008 Man Booker Prize
  • Jo Ind – yes, that’s me – author or Memories of Bliss, former Birmingham Post journalist.

I greatly enjoyed being able to choose any book I wanted from the store to sit on my shelf.  It was better than being a child let loose in a sweet shop.

Rarely, do I allow myself just to pick what I want.  Normally my book selections are constrained by concerns about money and whether I will have time to actually read whatever title I’m considering.  For The Curated Shelf, I could just pick what I fancied and there was a luxurious freedom in that.

My shelf turned out to be biographical.  I chose books I had enjoyed as child and enjoy reading with my own little boy (Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle), novels where I had interviewed the author through my work as a journalist, sheet music because I love singing and playing the piano, a book on language to reflect my enduring interest as a philosopher and writer.  In picking whatever I wanted, I found a story of my life displayed through the spines on books. That felt pleasurable and somehow important to me.

I hope people enjoyed looking at the curations as much as I enjoyed selecting the items – but I doubt that they could have done simply because I enjoyed it so very much.

Motherhood, creativity and Katrice in Oxfam, Kings Heath Mon, 09 Feb 2015 11:27:22 +0000 Three of my favourite things will be coming together on Wednesday, 25 February 2015.

First of all the treasure trove which is the Oxfam Bookshop on Kings Heath High Street, Birmingham will be celebrating its refurbishment.  Still cosy, still welcoming, it will be enjoying a brand new look.

Secondly, that treasure trove which is Katrice Horsley will be there telling tales in a way that only a national storytelling laureate can.

Thirdly, the theme of the morning will be motherhood and creativity (one of my top topics) – and I shall be there discussing it with Katrice and you too, if you would care to come along.

Do you see motherhood as the ultimate creative act – or something that makes it impossible to get on with your own creative work? What’s the difference between raising a child and making art?

We will be telling stories, reading texts and sharing anecdotes on the theme of motherhood and creation at 11am to mark the re-opening of the Oxfam store.

Anyone is welcome but please note the event is for adults rather than children.

  • Motherhood and Creativity with Jo Ind and Katrice Horsley is on Wednesday 25 February 2015 at 11am at the Oxfam Bookshop, 110A Kings Heath High Street B14 7LG.


I take it back (new business card) Fri, 16 Jul 2010 09:40:06 +0000 When I announced in my last post that I’d got a new business card  – deputy site editor of NHS local – I made a mistake.

Do you know that feeling of having told a half-truth? It’s not about telling a lie. It’s about settling for less than the truth deserves, neglecting to tell the most important part of a story.

Jo Ind's business cardsThe truth – the full truth – is that many months before I had an NHS local business card, I had another one beautifully designed by lower case design, which said: “Jo Ind – Writer” on it.

When I left the Birmingham Post and became self-employed earlier this year, I was asking myself who I am and what I do.

I could have tried to sell myself as a journalist, editor, teacher, manager, consultant, social-media-thingy because I am all of those things but it seemed to me that what I am, at heart, is a writer. Everything else I do comes out of that.

That was the simple  – and deeply truthful – message that I put on my business cards.

But for some reason I didn’t share that at the time. I shared my position at Maverick TV instead.

Well, I am deputy site editor with NHS local and do you know what? I thoroughly enjoy it.

But before that I was a writer. And when I am old and grey (perhaps I should say older and greyer) I will still be writer.

That is what I am and that is what I need to say.

That’s all.

(Clearly I’m not a photographer. But I’m getting Photoshop next week, so I hope to learn how to improve the images on my blog very soon.)


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I love my new boss Fri, 15 Jan 2010 12:05:28 +0000 I love my new boss.  I like her ideals, her approach to life, her attitude to business. They echo my own.

I know she has my best interests at heart – as I do hers. It’s not uncommon, even in the best of organisations, to feel a degree of ambivalence towards your employers.  You are prepared to work hard and put yourself out, but, quite rightly, there are limits as to how far you will go on their behalf.

I don’t feel like that towards my new boss. I would go to the ends of the earth for her and her family. She has my complete, unconditional support.

I love being self-employed. It rocks.


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Farewell Birmingham Post Thu, 07 Jan 2010 12:04:16 +0000

My last day at the Birmingham Post was Tuesday 22 December 2009. I slid out on a farewell blog like Santa on his sleigh. Here is my heart-felt post, with added pictures, which was published in the Birmingham Post that day.

Jo Ind presents a cuddley toy to a little girl Jo Ind looks at a book with Paul Handley Jo Ind holding a rugby ball


Bye bye Birmingham Post

Bye bye Birmingham Post. I have been with you for more than 21 years. In those years you have been through eight editors, gone from being a broadsheet, to a tabloid, to a broadsheet and back to a tabloid again, only we don’t call you that. You were black and white then, you’re colour now. You were a six day a week publication when I joined. Now you are a multi-media operation of which the newspaper is only a part.

In those 21 years, I have changed too. My mother has died, I’ve been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I’ve lived in community, I’ve lived on my own and I’ve lived with my family. I’ve married, I’ve had a son, I’ve had two books published and I’ve learnt to sing jazz. I’ve gone from being an angry idealist determined to change the world to someone who is content to change her little bit of it and is happier than I knew was possible – same hairstyle though.

Farewell everyone I have ever interviewed

Farewell everyone I have ever interviewed. I became a journalist because of you. It’s been an honour to hear your stories and to tell them as faithfully as I could, whatever the pressure of my deadlines or the barking of the newsdesk. There are some of you who have touched me so deeply, I will never forget you. Thank you for your trust and for making my work such a privilege.

Adieu colleagues. What can I say to you? Do you know what I respect about you? That whatever we go through – and we have been through one Hell of a lot – still the stories get written, still the deadlines get met, still the newspapers come out. Sometimes I wonder how we do it. We do it because nobody cares about journalism as much as we do. What binds us is our professionalism and our dedication to our trade. By God, I shall miss that camaraderie. Stay in touch.

Farewell to the grubby sensuality of printing

There are other things which ceased to be part of my working life some time ago, but to which I feel the need to say goodbye. Bye bye inky fingers. Ta ra to the increasing clattering of keyboards as the deadlines draw nearer. Adieu to getting on my knees in the library to pull out files of black and white photographs and rub the red crayon marks from them with the sleeve of my jumper. Farewell to the deafening clamour of newspapers rattling along overhead conveyor belts into lorries blocking Printing House Street, so we could not get out of the building. Farewell to the grubby sensuality of printing.

Bye bye, Fort Dunlop. Ta ra M6, or rather the sight of you snaking your way through the estates of Castle Vale. Farewell standing in the bitter-cold opposite Moor Street Station wondering if the Urban Splash shuttle bus will ever turn up. Goodbye ladies loos, the secrets you have heard and the lipstick applications you have witnessed. You never did get those bog brushes did you?

Au revoir journalism

Au revoir journalism. This is the one which brings a tear to my eye as I type. I leave in the hope it is “ta ra a bit” rather than goodbye for good. We will always tell stories. We will always need story-tellers. Bye bye to the traditional ways of doing it – you were great, you really were. Hello wonderfully connected new world.


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Elizabeth Fry is my nan Wed, 14 Oct 2009 20:50:48 +0000 See this woman. I’ve just found out that she is my great great great great grandmother.

Earlier this week, as part of a feature I was writing for The Birmingham Post, I went with family historian Paul Wilkins to Birmingham Central Library to trace my family tree and discovered, amongst other great worthiness, that I am a direct descendant of Elizabeth Fry, the woman who reformed prisons in the nineteenth century and is commemorated on the back of a fiver.

Now I’m trying to work out how it makes me feel.

To be honest, it wasn’t a total revelation. I was told this as a child but I had completely forgotten it as it hadn’t been mentioned since. This is the first time I have seriously tried to take it in.

The news broke on same day that Trinity Mirror announced it was looking to axe between 60 and 80 posts in the Midlands, which means that my job, along with those of my fellow journalists, is seriously under threat.

But did I care? No, not that day because my great great great great grandmother was Elizabeth Fry and if she could reform the prison service, then I was damn sure I could work out how to support my family even if I didn’t have a job in the depth of a recession. You can’t touch me Trinity Mirror, I’m made of noble, worthy, heroic, pioneering, life-transforming stuff!

And then the next day I felt stumped because it was raining and I couldn’t work out how to dry the washing…

At a practical level, knowing I have descended from a long line of do-gooders (we will be revealing more in the Post over the next few weeks) makes no difference at all. The difference is at the level of imagination and identity.

But even there, my relationship to the news is complex.

On the one hand, I am glowing – radiating the light from the halos of my ancestors. On the other, I know that I am who I am, regardless of who has gone before me. When I meet people, I want to know them for who they are, not for who their families might or might not be – and that includes myself.

I am very glad to be getting to know my ancestors but I am also very glad I lived for 45 years before I did. I’m glad I was established as a professional feminist before I knew my great great great great grandmother founded the first national women’s organisation. I’m glad I had inquired about working as a writer in residence in prisons before I was aware I am a direct descendant of a prison reformer.

My first reaction to the news is to tell people – have a good old brag. But once it is integrated into my understanding of myself, I think it is something I will want to keep quiet. I will get photographs of the amazing women who have gone before me. I will keep them at home and when life is challenging, I will sit in their presence and silently draw from their strength.

*I wrote this article originally for the Birmingham Post.


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