Sports Day – Jo Ind Writer, digital media producer, learning designer Mon, 27 May 2019 08:39:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sports Day – Jo Ind 32 32 Why I am loving the summer rain Fri, 13 Jul 2012 09:37:03 +0000 Here are  seven reasons why I have been just lovin’ this soggy summer.

1) The knowledge that the reservoirs have been re-stocked and the ground is rich and moist makes me feel safe and replete.

2) In the fleeting moments when the sun DOES shine, the grass is all the more verdant, the colours deliciously intense.

3) I can’t run at the moment because – seven months on – I’m still recovering from an injury.  The rain makes this a tiny bit less frustrating.

4) Due to that same running injury, there is only one pair of shoes I can wear at this point in time – and those shoes require socks. I’m glad it’s chilly.

5) I had vowed to make progress in my garden this summer but – as ever – haven’t had time. I feel all this rain kinda lets me off that one.

6) Sports Day was cancelled.

7) I am at a stage in life when I feel sad and full of grief.  The rain has made me feel that the world is weeping with me.

Image on blog menu page @Skippy3E



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