Comments on: Work-life balance? That’s the least of it. Writer, digital media producer, learning designer Sat, 11 Feb 2017 08:35:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jo Ind Wed, 01 Dec 2010 12:16:18 +0000 Thanks Terrence. I love your surname, by the way. I’m telling myself it means “a very good and joyful day.” Can I borrow it?

By: Terrence Buonaiuto Wed, 01 Dec 2010 11:25:26 +0000 Fantastic stuff. Going to want a bit of time to think over this post!

By: Jo Ind Mon, 16 Aug 2010 13:06:58 +0000 Isn’t playing online a form of day-dreaming and re-creation? If you get reading and clicking with no fixed agenda other than to explore and cross-pollenate, can you not be “wasting” time in a prayerful and creative way?

By: Will Richardson Mon, 16 Aug 2010 12:16:08 +0000 I prefer the terms day-dreaming and re-creation, the latter particularly as it describes what’s really going on…just wish I could spend, sorry, invest, more time doing it as I tend to be drawn by my interests online/Facebook (does that make IT the current opium of the masses?! 😉 )…it’s part of the problem of being a reader/cross pollenator..internet butterfly, moi?

By: Jo Ind Mon, 16 Aug 2010 08:33:26 +0000 “Wasting” time is a hugely under-rated activity. I’ve spent far too many a day beating myself up for wasting time after a hard week at work. In fact it’s an essential part of the process of moving from one mode into another. Here’s to more time-wasting. It would be good to see you at Greenbelt. I’m on Monday at 1pm Literature Marquee.

By: Liz Curran Sat, 14 Aug 2010 12:30:41 +0000 Hi I really liked this. Will look out for your talk at GB10. ‘wasting’ Saturday mornings at my kitchen table drinking tea randomly scanning twitter generally stopping and not moving are an essential part of my recovery from and reflection on my week. Sundays are another alarm click day due to church and choir commitments so Saturday am is my time. I need it!

By: Jo Ind Fri, 13 Aug 2010 18:08:11 +0000 Ooooh. I’ve just looked at a review of it. Extraversion and introversion as they are applied to solitude….fascinating! Yes, I must read that one day.

By: Anne Booth Fri, 13 Aug 2010 14:04:44 +0000 Have you read the book ‘Solitude’ by Anthony (Antony?) Storr. I was recommended it at Heythrop & really enjoyed it.

By: Jo Ind Fri, 13 Aug 2010 13:23:11 +0000 Thanks Chris and Anne. The interesting thing is that something that’s so essential seems to be recognised very little by society as a whole.

By: Chris Brown Fri, 13 Aug 2010 13:17:57 +0000 I couldn’t agree more. Although I can’t comment on looking after a family I do know how you feel about making the most of that little bit of solitude. Whether it’s just to sit quietly for an hour to gather your thoughts, go for a walk or even go swimming (something I find really helps let me gather my thoughts), it’s vital to have that bit of alone time or you’ll just end up going mad.
