
Training in digital media

I’ve worked as a trainer for Google’s Digital Garage, presenting face-to-face seminars to small businesses (SMEs) on being effective online.

I also work for the BBC, designing and delivering online content for its learning and development wing, the BBC Academy.

Some of my other clients include law firm Harrison Clark Rickerbys, NHS local and Birmingham Literature Festival for whom I have devised and delivered training on:

  • writing for the web
  • social media
  • being findable online (SEO)

“Just wanted to pass on the messages of thank yous from the delegates that attended last Friday’s International Women’s Day. The presentation you delivered was spot on and everyone took something away. The feedback has been amazing.” (Pushpa Alexander, HeadzupBusiness after a presentation for Google’s Digital Garage)

Training teachers in writing

As a result of my working as a writer in schools, I’ve run programmes for teachers helping them encourage writing through developing journalism, with the National Association of Writers in Education. I had a lot of fun working with the poet, Andy Croft, devising material for teaching poetry and journalism.  We did through  Writing Together, a project run by the Book Trust and the Poetry Society.

“It’s the best course I’ve ever been on.” “Excellent ideas for lessons.” “The two worked very well together.” “Superb opportunity.” “I’m still in awe.” (Comments made by teachers following the Writing Together training day in Cambridge that Andy Croft and I devised and led)

Theology talks

I am often invited to speak at conferences, festivals or to small groups of people.  I enjoy it. I like feeling the connection with the audience and noticing what happens when words are live.

Most of my talks are on theology, which I find slightly embarassing because I have no training as a theologian, but the invitations keep coming in and I keep rising to the challenge.  Generally I speak on a theology of emodiment, a theology of sexuality or a theology of communication though I don’t put it quite like that in the titles.  Groups I have addressed include the Norfolk Theologial Society, The Diocese of Lichfield, The Diocese of Sheffield, the Centre for the Study of Christianity and Sexuality,  The Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement and the Greenbelt Festival.

“Ranchy, shocking, raw, honest, full of gentle humour and compassion” (How I was introduced on the Greenbelt Festival website when I was speaking on sexuality)

Inspirational talks

I’m also invited to be an inspirational speaker.  I’ve done talks to encourage women’s development  through the Springboard Programme run by Patricia Cresswell Associates. More recently I have spoken on motherhood for Chaplaincy Plus and Oxfam Books.

“Thank you for all you gave to us all at our conference. You must have realised that on a number of occasions you worked the great miracle of bringing the dead to life.”  (Letter from the Rt Revd David Lunn, then Bishop of Sheffield, after I had addressed the Diocese of Sheffield Clergy Conference.)