How has being a mother affected my creativity?

I recently watched Who Does She Think She Is? – an award-winning film by Pamela T Boll  about motherhood and creativity.

I found the film a little disappointing because so much of it was about the politics and practicalities around women as artists. These are important issues for sure, but they aren’t the questions that I’m asking at the moment. Continue reading “How has being a mother affected my creativity?”

My first “fun run” in Kings Heath Park – how I did it

Why is a 5km run known as a fun run? That is a question I used to ask myself as I sweated it out on the treadmill – panting, smelly and desperate to sit down after a mere 3km’s interval training.

A 5km run is said to be for families and beginners. But despite years of working out at the gym, I would feel defeated after running little more than half that distance. “How do other people do it?” I wondered. “I can’t carry on any more…” Continue reading “My first “fun run” in Kings Heath Park – how I did it”