Comments: 6

  1. John Christophers says:

    Lovely prayer.
    As the monks of old had it “Laborare est orare”, to work is to pray.
    Maybe to play is to pray too?!

  2. Anne Booth says:

    That is lovely, Jo,, and really helpful for me. I feel really lost career wise, and don’t know what work it is God wants me to do, so I’m going to pray and meditate on that prayer every day. That is EXACTLY what I want my work to be.

  3. jane says:

    thank you! ‘Work is prayer’ can transform so much that seems futile

  4. Jo Ind says:

    Thank you John, Anne and Jane for your lovely comments.
    Yes taking that approach to work is indeed transforming.
    I’m a little overwhelmed by what you said Anne – what an honour.
    As for you John – your house says in bricks and mortar what happens when prayer, play and work come together.

  5. Robin Thompson says:

    Jo very real words and what I believe is the start of words of change and words of real influence that will flow from you to us all. God Bless

    See soon


  6. Jo Ind says:

    God bless you too, Robin. Thank you for your encouragement.

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